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2021: A Team Exercise in Flexibility

Writer's picture: Annette WierstraAnnette Wierstra

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Let’s be honest. We entered 2021 with a lot of optimism. 2020 was so hard, how can 2021 be anything but better? At some point, we thought we had to reach those elusive “after times.”

We chose “Flexibility” as our word of the year to guide us into 2021, and it was a good choice. It is one of Scriptorium’s core values which we define as “the freedom to be self-directed while balancing professional and personal expectations.”

In many ways this year has been professionally exciting despite all the global challenges. We have new clients who brought us interesting projects. Current clients continued to be engaging and collaborative partners. This last quarter we finished several multi-year projects that we are proud of. 2021 has really felt like we are hitting our stride together. But it also stretched our capacity which made us think about where we wanted to go as a company.

Our biggest lesson this year is one that I think we are all learning: we are stronger and better together. It can be easy to focus on what I need for my projects or celebrate when I succeed. Circumstances pushed us from focusing on our own projects to trusting and helping each other more which created a stronger community within our company.

This sounds easy, but we had to break out of habits and not assume the way we always did things was the right or only way. We had to change individually and collectively. It took what was good at Scriptorium and made it even better. At the end of 2021, our team communicates better about our needs, our plans, and our challenges.

When we had time to take a breath, we started asking some important questions about our goals and plans. We have been lucky to foster the kinds of clients who we love to work with. We are grateful to work on projects that are meaningful and important. But we were also the busiest we have ever been and that required shifting goals and plans to make sure that we did everything we needed to do at the quality that we expect from ourselves.

It also required us to make a big change late this year that we are excited to tell you about. But change deserves its own story, and we will share it with you in the new year with a little bit of fanfare.

As we wrap up 2021 with plans for actual time off and rest, we are already talking about what we want for next year. We are feeling excited about our potential and looking forward to seeing where this growth as a business and a team will lead us in 2022.

There are still challenges and another uncertain year ahead of us. But we are confident in each other, and we know that continuing to be flexible in our approach will serve us well.


We believe that each of our writers brings an important set of skills that work together to make us a diverse and capable team. This gives us the flexibility to support a variety of projects by assigning the right writer or team to support your project needs. Contact us to book one of our team members to work with you on your writing and instructional projects.

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